Wednesday, March 14, 2012

I'M THIS CLOSE....... another finish!

Meet Clancy.

He's enjoying a little catnap. I've been working on him for the last couple of days and should have the back stitching done soon.  I'm not sure how I'm going to finish him yet (my finishing skills are sooo limited) but I know I want to use that cute paw print fabric. I'm thinking maybe a small pillow.

Well the sun is shining here and it's 70 degrees so I think I'm gonna take my stitching outdoors so I can enjoy some sunshine!

Happy Stitching!



  1. He's very cute, Carrie, and that fabric will be perfect for a little pillow... I sure hope this weather stays with us for a while :)

  2. Adorable.

    I seem to ruin everything I finish because I have no experience. I'm just going to go back to the expensive professional framing!

    You'll have to show a picture when you get it completely done!

  3. Your gray cat looks great!!!
    Oh ,lovely to hear you are already enjoying the warm weather.
    Me an my family are having our winter-holiday at the northest part of our country-DH,DD and DS have been snowboarding daily at the mountains :) :)
    We have tons of snow and more is still coming !! :D

  4. Hello

    that is a lovely project, so sweet and I love the paw print fabric.

    Enjoy your sunny stitching.

  5. Such a cute near finish! That fabric is perfect!
