Saturday, March 24, 2012


I'm up at 6:30 on a Saturday, again.  I have three cats that want their breakfast and they pester me relentlessly until I get up and feed them.  The problem is once I'm out of bed, I can't go back to sleep no matter how hard I try.

So since I'm up I may as well get my coffee and start stitching!  It's suppose to rain here today so it will be a good day to sit inside and stitch.  I'm still working on the back stitching for Birdhouse Welcome and I'm almost halfway done with it; I'm hoping to finish it this weekend.

I hope everyone has a great Saturday of stitching too! 


  1. I plan to spend most of the next three days stitching. Justin left to go get his head shaved in New York with his best friend. I am here with the kids and the animals and I heard rain too.

    I think I'm going to try to make a buttload of progress on the love quilt square. It's really looking pretty now that I got to change to a different color!

    Wish we lived closer. Such a bummer.


  2. I can so relate to that!
    I have 6 of the little furballs! There is no such thing as a weekend schedule! There is no peace until the cats are fed!
