Saturday, March 16, 2013

Another O and a P

For the first time in a very long time I didn't do any stitching on a Friday night!  I was wiped out from a very long and busy work week so my hubby took me out to dinner and a few drinks.  Very relaxing.  But a few drinks and stitching just don't mix so I didn't get any work in on my Halloween House SAL piece.  I'm going to try and work on it a bit today.

Next up in my alphabetical rotation.....

By:  Diane Arthurs

I just love all of Diane Arthurs designs, they are so fun and easy to stitch!  I have to order more of her charts soon!

By:  Debbie Mumm

This has been in my WIP pile for a long time (since 2009!) I hope to finish it this year.  I love anything with a scarecrow!

My housework is calling me so the sooner I get it done, the sooner I can stitch!

Have a great Saturday everyone and Happy Stitching!


  1. You have the cutest charts! Love both WIPs.

  2. Ooooh pumpkin patch is just adorable!

  3. I do agree, drinking and stitching is not a great combination,but a night out with hubby is so worth it.
    I love Dinae Arthurs also - one is always in my WIP pile.

    Love your stitching

  4. Oh more great designs Carrie. I started Out For A Ride this year.


  5. I also started Out for a Ride in the Crazy January Challenge. It is so cute! I love watching your progress!

  6. Hi Carrie. I'm Shelly over at An Arizona Stitcher. You won my giveaway! Just go on over and click on the email address I have in my post and let me know what your mailing address is!
