Saturday, April 27, 2013

Bad Blogger!!

I have been such a bad blogger and bad commenter lately!  Life has been so busy for me that I just haven't had the time or the energy to post.  I've been spending long hours at work and by the time I come home, cook dinner, do a few things around the house I'm just too tired to do much of anything else.  My stitching has even been suffering!  Things are finally starting to calm down at work (for now), so things should start to get back to normal soon.

I'm still plugging away with my alphabet rotation.  Here are three more.

By:  Gail Bussi

By:  Waxing Moon Designs

By:  Nora Corbett

Not a whole lot of progress, but some is better than none!

It's suppose to be a beautiful day here in Ohio so I'm hoping to get outside and enjoy some of the sunshine!  Hope the weather is perfect wherever you may be!

Happy Stitching!


  1. I know how you feel....I've been a bad blogger too! Love your stitching, hope you get more time to work on these lovely pieces.

  2. Glad to see an update from you Carrie. Fingers crossed that work will slow down so you can get more stitching time. More great designs. Of course my favorite is September. You don't have any R pieces. I have been a good stitcher this year. When you have the time, stop by my blog and take a peek.


  3. Totally understand how you feel! It's Sunday, 3:51pm, and I finally can enjoy my day!!! Lovely stitching x

  4. September Fairy is gorgeus and will be a joy to see you stitching it :)
