As someone with A LOT of WIP's, sometimes it's hard to choose what to stitch on and a lot of my WIP's end up not being touched for months. I've tried using a rotation, but with so many it's too hard. I've tried putting the chart names on pieces of paper and pulling one out at random, but I always seem to grab the same chart several times in a row; which should be really hard to do considering the number of little pieces of paper in the bag, go figure.
Anyways, I was out of ideas and then I thought why not stitch them alphabetically? I already have them in their own separate baggies and stored alphabetically (I'm anal when it comes to organization) so I won't have to think about what to stitch! And this way you will get to see ALL of my WIP's. And here are the first two. I worked on this one a little this morning.
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A HO HO HO OF SANTA'S By: Gail Bussi |
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How do you decide what you're going to stitch on?
Good question!
Round Robins come first as they have a mailing deadline.
Then things for other people as they're usually for an occasion.
Then Part-works so I don't fall too far behind.
Then challenge pieces then anything that takes my fancy.
Next year I'm going to make a concerted effort to work on my 4 main wips and not make any new starts. She promised faithfully. LOL.
Love both pieces you worked. Love your idea of working them in alphabet order. Ok, I'm curious, how many pieces do you started?
Beautiful WIPs! I don't have a system or a rotation but try to pick a project until its completed but that almost never happens ;)
Such lovely pieces! I never have a problem with deciding which piece to stitch on as I only have one going at a time (not that I'm ignoring any UFOs, nooo). I don't think I could handle several WIPs!!
I don't have too many WIPs, just about 15, but you are right, it's hard sometimes to choose from all the WIP-bags and usually I want to stitch on them all at the same time. I love your idea to pull them out alphabetically. I have to reorganize my box of WIPs in alphabet prder, lol.
I love te two projects you show this time and I'm looking forward to seeing all your WIPs here in the future.
I love your stitchins. I usualy rotate between two pieces. When one is finished, I take another one.
What a great idea!
The two wips in your post look lovely!
Beautiful stitching! Love your rotation idea, I had never thought of alphabetical. I have tried lots and lots of rotations (timed, screaming, etc.) what I finally did this year was to pick pieces at random from my huge list of WIPs (I also included a bunch of new starts) and stitch on them for a week then on to the next on the list. I had too many on the list so next year I'll narrow it down to 4 or 5.
That is an interesting way to pick your stitching. I normally work on whatever is calling to me, or whatever is in season.
Alphabetical is a fun idea! I listed all my WIPs in chronological order from the date I started them, and each one has a number. I use the Random Number Generator to pick a new one every day. So far, it's pretty fun! I also keep up with a few SALs and stitch more on ones with a deadline.
Hi Carrie,
Do WIP's include things that you haven't started yet, but really, really want to?
All of your Nora Corbett's and Miribilia's are always beautiful. I haven't started on the Fern chart you sent me yet - life has really gotten in the way. But I have done a bunch of work on the Miribilia one that you sent. I am hoping to do an update this weekend.
I have been gravitating towards my HAED, just because right now it's something I don't have to change colors on very often and that makes it fairly easy stitching. My brain is not up to doing a lot of counting and figuring and color changes.
Beautiful work, as always.
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