Friday, November 30, 2012

B Is For.....

I started on the B charts a few days ago, but I've only managed to stitch on this one so far.

By Gail Bussi

I have been unusually tired this week and haven't done a whole lot of stitching, but I'm off work today so I'm hoping to change that!  I only have four charts that start with the letter B, so I'm hoping to get through those this weekend.

So now I'm off to sit and stitch my weekend away. Next up, Believe, one of my HAED charts!

Have a great weekend everyone and Happy Stitching!

Monday, November 26, 2012

Finally, The Last Two A Charts!!!

Here are the last two charts that begin with A

By:  Mari McDonald

By:  Stoney Creek

I don't know why that second picture looks so washed out, my camera skills are really bad!

To recap my letter A charts:

1.   A Ho Ho Ho of Santa's by Gail Bussi
2.   Adia, The Garden Fairy by Nora Corbett
3.   Afraid of the Dark by Belinda Karls Nace
4.   Another Day in Paradise by Diane Arthurs
5.   Art Deco Fashionista by Leslie Teare
6.   August Periodot Fairy by Nora Corbett
7.   August Sampler by Waxing Moon Designs
8.   Autumn by Stoney Creek
9.   Autumn Fairy by Joan Elliott
10. Autumn Homes by Mari McDonald
11. Autumn in the Village by Stoney Creek

Now it's on to the B's!!

Happy Stitching!

Sunday, November 25, 2012

Three More A's!

Will the A's never end??  Here's from the last couple of days.

By: Waxing Moon Designs

By:  Stoney Creek

By:  Joan Elliott

Sorry about the hoop marks, I was just too lazy to iron them out for the pictures.  I have two more A charts to go and then I'll be moving on to the B's!!  I don't have nearly as many charts that start with B as I did A.

asked if my 80 WIP's included any that I haven't actually started yet.  No, they are all started, even if its just a small start, all 80 or so have some stitching done on them.  A couple are even close to actually being finished.  Two of them just need the back stitching done and one just needs the beading done.

I have a fun-filled day of housework and laundry planned (blah), and a some stitching on those last two A charts!  Hope everyone has a great Sunday and Happy Stitching!!

Friday, November 23, 2012

Still Moving Through The A's

I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving that was filled with love and laughter! My day was spent mostly in the kitchen first cooking and then cleaning up. Blah.  All that preparation and the meal lasts for maybe 20 minutes and then you're left with a mess! But it's all worth it just to have the family together in one place around the same table.

It was so great to read your comments and find that I'm not the only one with a serious amount of WIP's.  I feel soooo much better!!

I am still moving through my A's.  Next up are these.

By: Lesley Teare
From the June 2010 issue of Cross Stitch Gold

By Nora Corbett

I didn't realize I had so many charts that started with the letter A, there are still a few more to go!

I'm off work today and I had hoped to get a bunch of stitching in but I'm expecting an early morning visit from my cousin and when we get together we can talk for hours so I'm not sure how much stitching will be done today. 

Hope you all have a great Friday filled with stitching!

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Happy Turkey Day!!

Wishing all that celebrate a very Happy Thanksgiving!  May your day be filled with love, laughter, and lots of yummy food!  :-)

Monday, November 19, 2012

The Letter A

Continuing with my alphabetical rotation, I worked on these two yesterday.

Blue Ribbon Designs
By: Belinda Karls Nace

By:  Diane Arthurs 

So far I like working my WIP's in alphabetical order. It's nice not thinking about what I want to stitch next.

asked how many WIP's I have.  I don't think I've ever actually said the number out loud but here goes. I have 80 WIP's, give or take one or two.  I know it's a lot but when I see something I want to stitch I have to start it RIGHT NOW.  It's a problem.  But I do finish things, in fact I have finished 17 things so far this year.  I don't think that's too bad.

How many WIP's do you have?

Saturday, November 17, 2012

WIP's A to Z

As someone with A LOT of WIP's, sometimes it's hard to choose what to stitch on and a lot of my WIP's end up not being touched for months.  I've tried using a rotation, but with so many it's too hard.  I've tried putting the chart names on pieces of paper and pulling one out at random, but I always seem to grab the same chart several times in a row; which should be really hard to do considering the number of little pieces of paper in the bag, go figure.

Anyways, I was out of ideas and then I thought why not stitch them alphabetically? I already have them in their own separate baggies and stored alphabetically (I'm anal when it comes to organization) so I won't have to think about what to stitch! And this way you will get to see ALL of my WIP's.  And here are the first two.  I worked on this one a little this morning

By:  Gail Bussi 

 And I just pulled this one out to work on next

By:  Nora Corbett

How do you decide what you're going to stitch on?

Monday, November 12, 2012

Here I Am!

I know, know, it's been over a month since I posted.  Sorry, life just has a way of getting in the way of some things.  I have been really busy at work and just too tired to get on the computer much when I get home.  Things have started to calm down now so I should be able to get back to regular blogging! I have so many blogs to catch up on too!

I do have a finish to share.

By:  Waxing Moon

Have a great Monday everyone and Happy Stitching!